Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here are the rules:
1. Link the Person who Tagged you.
2. Mention rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
5. Leave a comment to let them know.

1. I change my clothes multiple times before going to sleep.

2. I can't leave a restaurant with a messy table i always "pre bus" the table before we leave to make the job easier for the person who cleans it.

3. I hate when the pillow gets warm. I will flip my pillow over multiple times before actually going to sleep. I just love the feel of cool sheets or the cold side of the pillow. :)

4. I have difficulty not answering the phone when it rings... im getting better at this though.

5. I have difficulty drinking plain water. I can drink water with lemon (usually i ask for extra lemons when i go out to dinner). But if all i have is plain water, ill usually end up having a sip of casey's drink or find something else to drink because i dont like plain water. Also, if theres ice in a cup, i have a hard time drinking without a straw because the ice gets in the way.

6. i dont i tend to go to the same restaraunts and order the exact same things and rarely branch out once i find one thing i really like on the menue. i dont know if thats a quirk... but i cant really think of anything else. im sure other people can list of crazy weird quirks of mine and ur welcome to tell me about them in a comment on my blog. hahaha

now its your turn!

The 6 people I tag are…Garrett, Aly, Laurel, Melissa, Stephanie, and... whoever else lol.


Anonymous said...

im glad you did this too!

S.Shepherd said...

I really don't want to do this.