The wedding was beautiful and two weeks later was the reception! I really enjoyed being a bridesmaid for the first time. I'm so glad they are finally married. now we can hang out as married couples. its awesome... except for the fact that in January they are going back to Idaho and leaving us here in Cali... we will have to enjoy their company while we still can...
Here are some pictures from the wedding. Casey got caught holding the flowers for me while i fixed my shoes or something.
Here are some pictures from the wedding. Casey got caught holding the flowers for me while i fixed my shoes or something.
Halloween was really fun. At sunshine, i ended up dressing up as "Bambi the Builder" (or Bob the Builder..but my work name is Bambi.. you get the idea". The Fall Festival was a blast. I was a greeter so i got to see all the students in their costumes walking in. The night of Halloween we passed out candy, went out to dinner with Justin and Andrea and watched the movie 1408. (FREAKY!).Everything is business as usual. Casey and I are still in school, still working away...nothing has really changed.
The only "new" thing is for a while, i will be the subbing as the singing time person in primary. For those that know me well.. Ive always loved to sing... but never could. I am not the most musically inclined person. So far i have done two singing times...and they weren't horrific. The first one went really well ...the second one... was not a failure. Of course, there's a story:
Last Sunday was my cousin's baby's blessing in my mother in laws ward. It starts at the same time our ward does so we planned on running over for the blessing.. leaving shortly after sacrament and making it back in time for singing time. easy enough.
So we get to church during the opening song and go to the back to sit with Casey's mom. She looks at me and says "I didn't know your dad was here". I look towards the front of the chapel to see my dad standing in the middle of the middle row staring back at me. The next minute went by really quickly. I'm pretty sure i babbled something to Casey before running to where my dad was, tripping over half of the people in the row, hugging him and crying. (I have missed my dad a lot lately...) I ended staying for pretty much all of sacrament and was still pretty emotional when i got to singing time. I did my bit and left right after to go to the open house and spend some more time with my dad. Sooo i was a bit distracted during singing time to say the least.
Hopefully ill get some pictures back soon.
Tonight was my friend Danica's bachelorette party. We went to BJ's for dinner and pazookies and then to the bowling ally for some good "Clean" bachelorette fun. Some girls got naughty accessories to liven things up a bit... i think that was the most entertaining Wednesday night the bowling alley has had in a while! haha.
This weekend is Danica's Wedding and I'm cooking a nice dinner one of the nights. Its been a while since Ive been able to cook a nice dinner for my husband. I'm really looking forward to it.
I will have a lot of updates soon with the Holidays quickly approaching and many of my friends getting engaged and married and stuff. Coming up is My mom's birthday, New Moon, Thanksgiving, the end of my first full semester of college, Christmas, New years and some more people getting married!
Until next time :)
---more pictures to come soon----