Friday, October 21, 2011

Best Disney Day Ever!

So I decided a long time ago, I would not blog about every trip I make to Disneyland – I just done have time to blog that much. Lol. But this day deserves its own blog…

So my amazing friend Elizabeth and I started making a habit of meeting up at Disneyland. (It is kind of a halfway point between where she lives and where I live.) She and her mom would meet me at Disneyland and we would spend the day together laughing and having fun. One day, a run-of-the-mill, amazing, Disney day became something extraordinary!


To maximize our time we decided to get to the park even before opening. We made the best choice ever and decided to start in California Adventure. After walking into the park a ways, we were stopped by employees making a barrier saying the park is still closed and that we cannot pass them so we waiting right there waiting to be let into the park to start our day. About ten minutes before opening a girl wearing a Tower of Terror uniform approaches us and asks us if we would like to be the first to ride that ride for the day. Of course we said yes. She escorted us through the (empty!) park to the ride.

As we turned the corner to see the Hollywood Tower Hotel, Chip and Dale were waiting for us. As we spotted each other from across the walkway to the ride, they began running towards us (imagine cliché slow motion running towards each other in a field of daisies). Lots of hugging and smooch noises and photo ops and laughs and priceless memories. After a few minutes (felt like a really long time) of borderline sexual harassment (not complaining lol), we were lead into the ride.

It was really interesting walking through the line area all alone. We approached the “reception desk” and were asked to sign a “guest book”. Come to find out….once filled, that book will be kept in the library of the ride. MY NAME WILL FOREVER BE APART OF DISNEYLAND!! Moving on….

We then are escorted into the Twilight Zone Video portion of the ride… just the three of us. Then walked to the doors of the elevator and we were instructed to “Pick your seats”. This picture says the rest of the story.

Here are some more pictures from the rest of the day:

Needless to say: BEST DAY EVER!

I can’t imagine a day where I am tired of Disneyland… especially after a day like that. Until next time!

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